OUR DOGS / Females




Born: 24.03.2004
(Karvin Trendsetter х Zunda Auksine Viltis)

Breeder: Anna Senko

Owner: Julia Torsunova


Belarus Junior Champion, Russian Junior Champion, Junior Champion of Breed, Starlet of Belarus, Hope of Belarus, BOBJ on Special of Retrievers "Polesye-2005"
Belarus GRANDChampion, Russian Champion
Champion RKF, 4xCACIB, R.CACIB

Full information

     Gloria Best

Gloria Best

Gloria Best

Born: 21.08.2005
(Sansibiliti Sendhill х Tigress)

Breeder: Oksana Goncharova

Owner: Marina Kuzmar


Belarus Junior Champion,
Junior Champion of Breed,
BOBJ on Special of Retrievers "Polesye-2006",
BISJ on Special of Retrievers in Minsk "Retrievers 2006"
Belarus GRANDChampion, Russian Champion

Full information
Gloria Best

    Blanka Moe Sokrovische

Blanka Moe Sokrovische

Blanka Moe Sokrovische

Born: 21.09.2008
(Ambergold GK Keep Cool x Anita)

Breeder: Julia Torsunova

Owner: Marina Kuz'mar


Гранд Чемпион Беларуси, Чемпион Беларуси, Чемпион Породы, By Winner-2010, Юный Чемпион Беларуси, Юный Чемпион Породы, Junior Winner-2009, 2хCACIB, R.CACIB

Full information
Blanka Moe Sokrovische

   Gestia Moe Sokrovische

Gestia Moe Sokrovische

Gestia Moe Sokrovische

Born: 27.03.2008
(Lad Unity Boston Blues x Gloria Best)

Breeder: Julia Torsunova

Owner: Anna Volk


Чемпион Беларуси, Чемпион Породы, Юный Чемпион Беларуси.

Full information
Gestia Moe Sokrovische

     Ventura Fittys

Ventura Fittys

Ventura Fittys

Born: 23.06.2004
(Jeday Enaken Skywalker х Ost Forest Beten)

Breeder: N. Golubeva

Owner: Oksana Gladkih

Belarus Junior Champion,
Junior Champion of Breed,
BOBJ on Special of Retrievers in Minsk "Retrievers 2005"
Belarus Champion, Russian Champion,
Champion RFSS

Ventura Fittys
Copyright © Glad,
Oksana Gladkih, 2011-03-26

Ut ameris, amabilis esto. Чтобы тебя любили, будь достоин любви!

Belarus, Minsk. Owner of the kennel Julia Torsunova tel: +375-29-668-3739 e-mail: ToJulia@yandex.ru
Сервис статистики для: Питомник голден ретриверов